Association for accreditation of international management education"Innovation in accreditation"
is an organization created to develop and implement novel standards for management education accreditation
Highly concentrated accreditation organizations are preserving decades old standards.
The need is there for an alternative that reflects present day business and technology dynamics and market needs .
AAIME is guided by the desire to :
1. Develop innovative standards for accreditation of management instruction programs at educational or professional institutions
2. Apply developed standards to programs and institutions willing to go through the novel process of accreditation and introduce relevant adjustments.
3. Create a network of progressive management education institutions.
4. Enhance the process of accreditation through consulting and advice
5. Support the process of accreditation through publication,seminars,conferences and discussion forums.
Driving forces
AAIME is driven by :
1. Accreditation is not an entry barrier to the management education industry and should never constitute a barrier.
2. Accreditation should place emphasis on output and the market conformity of this output
3. Accreditation is not the monopoly of the academic community. Industry , government and politics should have an impact on the process.
4. Accreditation is a flow and not a single event.
AAIME conducts Key research on the dynamics of today's management and their accreditation implications.
International Journal of Management & Development
A score card approach to management education accreditation
MSS EL Namaki
Accreditation Process
Contrary to the lengthy processes typical for existing accreditation organizations AAIME works with three basic documents:1) Expression of preliminary interest: A basic document providing a record of the basic information of the interested organization. This should lead to the “Affiliate” status2) Expression of interest: a completed template or Metrix providing detailed data on inputs, processes and outputs of the management program and supported by relevant documents. This is followed by a brief visitation and should lead to the Accredited Affiliate status.3) Upgraded expression of interest. This is an upgrade of (2) .An accreditation could earn a distinction if the metrics measured during the affiliate accreditation process exceed specific level.🔴ProcessAccreditation of a management education program will follow four parameters: Inputs, Process, Outputs, and Feedback.The accreditation system works with four metrics each dealing with a system component. A metric would contain key performance variables within the system component and a scale of performance of this variable. An input metric, to take an example, would include a range of variables clustered around, among other things, entrants, delivery, infrastructure, support and fees. The management program subject to accreditation monitoring would have to confirm the existence of this monitoring variable and a fit within the scale provided by this variable. Scales are derived from a quantitative analysis of variable performance within generic norms , population average or a desired framework.System metrics and metric parameters are incorporated into an Accreditation Survey. This is to be completed by the candidate institution either independently or jointly with the visitation representative .🔴Accreditation Score Card (ASC)Results of the accreditation process are presented into a “ Accreditation Score Card” . The card provides “scores” derived from performance in each system segment .🔴
Accredited organizations
List accessible from the administration
Prof dr m s s el namaki
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